
ខាងក្រោមនេះជាវិធីការពារមេរោគកុំឲ្យចូលក្នុងបណ្ដាញកុំព្យូទ័រ ៖

ដកស្រង់ចេញពី http://trajoke.blogsome.com/


នៅក្នុងពិធីមង្គលការមួយ ដែលមានភ្ញៀវចូលរួមយ៉ាងច្រើនកុះករ។ តូ ជាយុវជនកំហិលម្នាក់ ហើយក៏ជាភ្ញៀវម្នាក់ក្នុងចំណោមភ្ញៀវការទាំងអស់ដែរ។ ខណៈកំពុងអង្គុយ តូ បានក្រឡេកទៅឃើញយុវតីស្រស់ស្អាតម្នាក់កំពុងតែអង្គុយម្នាក់ឯង ដែលនៅមិនឆ្ងាយប៉ុន្មានពីតុរបស់ខ្លួន ។ ដោយសារធាតុកំហិល តូ ក៏ដើរសំដៅទៅរកនារីនោះ ហើយបន្លឺវាចាសំណួរ ៖

តូ ៖ សុំទោសអ្នកនាងបើមិនយល់ទាស់ទេ…! អនុញ្ញាតិឲ្យខ្ញុំរួមតុជាមួយផងបានទេ?

ខណៈនោះស្រាប់តែយុវតីនោះក្រោកឡើងស្រែកខ្លាំងៗថា ៖

យុវតី ៖ ថាម៉េចចង់ដេកជាមួយខ្ញុំ…?

តូ មានការខ្មាស់អៀនយ៉ាងខ្លាំង ខណៈដែលភ្នែកទាំងគូរៗរបស់ភ្ញៀវដែលចូលរួមមង្គលការបានសម្លឹងមករក ខ្លួន។ តូនិយាយមិនចេញក៏ដើរសំដៅមកតុរបស់ខ្លួនទាំងអាម៉ាស ។

បន្តិចក្រោយមកយុវតីក៏ដើរសំដៅមកតុរបស់តូ ហើយឱននិយាយតិចៗទៅកាន់តូ ៖

យុវតី ៖ សុំទោស…! ខ្ញុំដឹងថាលោកខឹងនឹងខ្ញុំខ្លាំងណាស់ ដែលធ្វើឲ្យលោកខ្មាស់គេបែបនេះ! តែតាមពិតគឺខ្ញុំកំពុងតែសិក្សាស្រាវជ្រាវអំពីប្រតិកម្មរបស់ មនុស្សទៅហ្នឹងសំណួរដែលធ្វើឲ្យអាម៉ាស់បែបនេះ…។ សឹងតែយុវតីនិយាយចប់មិនទាន់ តូក្រោកឡើងហើយស្រែកដាក់នាងខ្លាំងៗវិញថា ៖

តូ ៖ ថាម៉េច…! មួយយប់ថ្លៃដល់ទៅ ៥០ដុល្លារ អីក៏ថ្លៃជាងគេខ្លាំងម្លេះ…!!!

ដកស្រង់ចេញពី http://trajoke.blogsome.com/


ក្មេងប្រុសម្នាក់បានសួរទៅកាន់ប៉ាប៉ារបស់គេថា ៖ “ប៉ាហ៎ា…បើមានគេជ្រុះលុយ ៥០០៛ មួយសន្លឹក និង ១០០០៛ មួយសន្លឹក តើប៉ារើសយកមួយណា?” ប៉ាប្រាកដជារើសយកក្រដាស ១០០០៛ ហើយ ។ “ចុះហេតុអ្វី…ប៉ាមិនរើសយកទាំង២សន្លឹកទៅ” កូនតប ។ “ប៉ា! កូនសួរប៉ាមួយទៀត… ថ្ងៃមុនគេមកទារលុយប៉ាជំពាក់គេ ប៉ាថាមិនមានលុយទេចាំលើកក្រោយទៅ បើសិនជាគេមកទាប៉ាម្ដងទៀត តើប៉ាឆ្លើយថាយ៉ាងម៉េច?” “ប៉ាឆ្លើយថាមិនមានលុយដដែលហ្នឹង…!” “ហេតុអ្វីទៅប៉ា?” “ព្រោះប៉ាជាមនុស្សនិយាយថាម៉េច គឺថាអញ្ចឹងណាកូនប្រុស…” ។ “អញ្ចឹងកូនសួរប៉ាជាលើកចុងក្រោយ! ហេតុអ្វីផ្ទះគេរាល់គ្នាសុទ្ធតែធំ បែជាផ្ទះរបស់យើងវិញតូចអញ្ចឹងប៉ា…!” “នោះគឺដោយសារប៉ាគ្មានលុយសង់ឲ្យធំដូចគេហ្នឹងណា…!” ឪពុកតប “ដើម្បីឲ្យផ្ទះរបស់យើងធំ តើយើងត្រូវធ្វើដូចម្ដេច?” កូនសួរ ។ “ដើម្បីបានផ្ទះធំកូនត្រូវខិតខំរៀនសូត្រឲ្យចប់ចុងចប់ដើម ហើយរកការងារឲ្យបានប្រាក់ខែច្រើន នោះយើងអាចមានផ្ទះធំបានហើយកូន…!” ឪពុកឆ្លើយ “ចុះកាលពីប៉ានៅក្មេង ម្ដេចប៉ាមិនខំរៀនដែរទៅ?” កូនសួរ “យើស! អាកូននេះ…!!!”

ដកស្រង់ចេញពី http://trajoke.blogsome.com/


អន្ទិត អក ជាកូនពូច្រូច ។ វាបានស្រលាញ់កូនពូជ្រុញ តែមិនហ៊ានឲ្យឪពុកម្ដាយវាទៅដណ្ដឹង ។ អន្ទិត អក ដឹងថាឪពុកវាជាសំឡាញ់របស់ពូជ្រុញ ។

អាឡូ! អាជ្រុញមែនទេ អញគឺអាច្រូចណា!

អាឡូ! អូអាច្រូចសុខសប្បាយឬទេ? ខានជួបគ្នាយូរ តើឯងតេមកអញមានការអីដែរថ្ងៃហ្នឹង…!

អញប្រាប់តាមត្រង់ទៅចុះ កូនប្រុសរបស់អញវាស្រលាញ់មីនាង កូនស្រីឯង អញគិតចង់ដណ្ដឹងឲ្យកូនប្រុសអញ!

អាឡួ! ឯងថាម៉េចអាច្រូច?

អាឡូ! បាទ អញគឺ អាច្រូច ចង់ដណ្ដឹងកូនស្រីឯង!

អាឡូ! អាណាគេ និយាយ?

គឺឪពុកខ្ញុំ ឈ្មោះច្រូច គាត់ឲ្យខ្ញុំនិយាយ…!



ពីរនាក់​ ប្ដី​ប្រពន្ធ​ជា​អ្នក​កើត​អេដស៍ តែ​គេ​ស្រលាញ់​គ្នា​ រស់នៅ រកស៊ី​មានលុយ​មាន​កាក់​មាន​ផ្ទះ​សម្បែង​ធំ​គួរ​សម…​ថ្ងៃ​មួយ​ចោរ​ស្លៀក​លីអូ ចូល​មក​ប្លន់​ហើយ​ឃើញ​នាង​ជា​ប្រពន្ធ​ស្អាត ក៏​ចូល​ទៅ​ចាប់​រំលោភ…​ពេល​នោះ​បុរស​ជា​ប្ដី​ចេញ​មក​ទាន់​ក៏​សើច ហ៎ាស់ ហ៎ាស់ ហ៎ាស់!!!

ចោរ​ស្រែក​សួរ ៖ ម៉េច​ក៏ ឯង​សើច?
ប្ដី​ឆ្លើយ ៖ ព្រោះ​ឯង​រំលោភ​ប្រពន្ធ​អញ​ ដែល​ជា​អ្នក​កើត​អេដស៍!
ចោរ​សើច​វិញ​ម្ដង ៖ ហ៎ា…ហ៎ា…ហ៎ា…
បុរស​ជាប្ដី​សួរ ៖ ម៉េច​បាន​ជា​ឯង​សើច?
ចោរ​ឆ្លើយ ៖ ព្រោះ​មុន នឹង​រំលោភ​ប្រពន្ធ​ឯង​អញ​យក​ស្រោម​អនាម័យ​នៅ​លើ​ក្បាល​ដំណេក​ឯង​មក​ពាក់​រួច​ហើយ!
បុរស​ជា​ប្ដី​សើច​វិញ​ម្ដង ៖ ហ៎ាស់… ហ៎ាស់… ហ៎ាស់…
ចោរ​ស្រែក​សួរ ៖ ម៉េច​បាន​ជា​ឯង​សើច?
បុរស​ឆ្លើយ ៖ ព្រោះ​ស្រោម​អនាម័យ​ក្នុង​ប្រអប់​លើ​គ្រែ អញ​កាត់​ចុង​ចេញ​ទាំង​អស់!
ចោរ ៖ ពុទ្ធោ! ខ្មោច​ឪ ខ្មោច​ម៉ែ ជួយ​អញ​ផង! ម្ដង​នេះ​កើត​អេដស៍​ហើយ​អញ!

ដកស្រង់ចេញពី http://trajoke.blogsome.com/


ក្នុងថ្នាក់រៀនមួយនា ចុងសប្ដាហ៍នេះអ្នកគ្រូបានដើរឆែកមើលក្រចកដៃជើងរបស់សិស្សដើម្បី ដាក់ពិន្ទុ លើវិញ្ញាសាមួយដែលអ្នកគ្រូបានកំណត់ថា “អនាម័យនាំមកនូវសុខភាព”…

អ្នកគ្រូ ៖ សុភី! កាត់ខ្លីបានល្អណាស់ អ្នកគ្រូឲ្យ ១០ ពិន្ទុ!
សុភី ៖ អរគុណអ្នកគ្រូ!
អ្នកគ្រូ ៖ ឆ្លូញ ក៏កាត់បានខ្លីដែរ តែទុកសក់វែងពេក អ្នកគ្រូឲ្យ ៨ពិន្ទុ!
ឆ្លួញ ៖ អរគុណអ្នកគ្រូ!
អ្នកគ្រូ ៖ ចុះកល្យាណ ម៉េចក៏ទុកក្រចកវែងម្លេះ?
កល្យាណ ៖ ខ្ញុំចង់ទុកឲ្យវែងជាងអ្នកគ្រូ! ព្រោះក្រចកអ្នកគ្រូមិនសូវវែងផង ស្អាតយ៉ាងនេះហើយ ចុះទំរាំទុកវែងជាងនេះទៀត…អស់ទាស់តែម្ដង…
អ្នកគ្រូ ៖ !!!???

ដកស្រង់ចេញពី http://trajoke.blogsome.com/


ផ្លយ ៖ សួស្ដី ផ្លូញ មួយ​រយៈ​នេះ​ដូច​ជា​មិន​សូវ​បាន​​ជួប​មុខ​ឯង?
ផ្លូញ ៖ តាំង​ពី​ទទួល​សញ្ញាប័ត្រ​មក​រត់​រក​ការងារ​ធ្វើ​មិន​បាន​សោះ​សំឡាញ់
ផ្លយ ៖ ក្រែង​ល៏ ឯង​រើស​រក​តែ​ការងារ​ល្អៗ បាន​ប្រាក់​ច្រើន​ទេ​ដឹង?
ផ្លូញ ៖ មិន​រើស​ណាស់ណា​ទេ ស្អី​ក៏​បាន ឲ្យ​តែ​ចំ​កន្លែង​ខ្លាញ់​ ល្មម​រស់​នៅ​សមរម្យ​ដូច​គេ​ដូច​ឯង​ទៅ​ជា​ការ​គ្រប់គ្រាន់​ណាស់​ហើយ…
ផ្លយ ៖ ចំ​កណ្ដាល​កៅឪ​ហើយ បង​ជីដូន​មួយ​គ្នា​ទើប​និង​បើក​ហាង​គុយ​ទាវ​ពិសេស គេ​ត្រូវ​ការ​អ្នក​លាង​ចាន ២-៣នាក់ ចំ​គ្នា​ជួយ​និយាយ​ឲ្យ…!
ផ្លូញ ៖ ពុទ្ធោ! ទីនោះ​ឬ កន្លែង​ខ្លាញ់…?
ផ្លយ ៖ !!!???

ដកស្រង់ចេញពី http://trajoke.blogsome.com/


លោកគ្រូ​ ចំណូល​គាត់​ចូល​ចិត្ត​កីឡា​ណាស់ ថ្ងៃ​នេះ​នៅ​ក្នុង​ថ្នាក់​រៀន គាត់​បាន​ឲ្យ​សិស្ស​សរសេរ​ពី​ចំណាប់អារម្មណ៍​ស្ដី​អំពី​កីឡា​បាល់ទាត់​មួយ​ ក្រុម ។
លោកគ្រូ ៖ តើ​ប្អូនៗ​ធ្លាប់​មើល​ការ​ប្រកួត​បាល់ទាត់​ទេ?
សិស្ស ក ៖ បាទ! លោកគ្រូ ធ្លាប់!
លោកគ្រូ ៖ បើ​ដូច្នេះ​សូម​ប្អូនៗរៀប​រាប់​អំពី​លទ្ធផល​នៃការ​ប្រកួតរបស់​ក្រុម​​នីមួយៗ ដែល​ប្អូន​ធ្លាប់​ទៅ​ទស្សនា!
សិស្ស​ម្នាក់ៗ​រៀបរាប់​ល្អ​ឥត​ខ្ចោះ នៅ​សល់​តែ​ប្លោក​វា​ក្រោក​ឈរ​ អេះ​ក្បាល ។
លោកគ្រូ ៖ ម៉េច​ក៏​ប្អូន​មិន​រៀបរាប់…?
ប្លោក ៖ រៀប​រាប់​អត់​ចេញទេ​លោកគ្រូ…
លោកគ្រូ ៖ ម៉េច​អញ្ចឹង?
ប្លោក ៖ ព្រោះ​ពេល​កំពុង​ប្រកួត ខ្ញុំ​កើត​ខ្យល់គ អត់​បាន​តាម​ដាន!
លោកគ្រូ ៖ ???

ដកស្រង់ចេញពី http://trajoke.blogsome.com/


ឧកញ៉ា ៖ លោកជំទាវមកផ្ទះខ្ញុំទាំងព្រឹកមានការអ្វីដែរ?
ជំទាវ ៖ តើលោកឧកញ៉ាអាចដឹងទេថា មូលហេតុអ្វីដែលប្ដីខ្ញុំមិនសូវបាយផ្ទះ?
ឧកញ៉ា ៖ អាព្រើលជាពួកម៉ាកខ្ញុំតាំងពីនៅរៀនម្លេះ រឿងអីដែលខ្ញុំមិនដឹងនោះ…
ជំទាវ ៖ សូមលោកជួយប្រាប់ខ្ញុំផង ក្រែងខ្ញុំមានវិធីអាចជួយកែកុនគាត់បាន!
ឧកញ៉ា ៖ ឆ្នាំនេះអាព្រើល និងខ្ញុំអាយុ ៦៥ឆ្នាំហើយ វានិងខ្ញុំប្រៀបបានដូចជាគោចាស់អញ្ចឹង គឺចូលចិត្តតែស្មៅខ្ចីៗណ៎ា…លោកជំទាវ!
ជំទាវ ៖ អូ! អញ្ចឹងទេឬ? គាត់បាក់ធ្មេញមុខអស់ដូចគោមែន ចាំទៅដល់ផ្ទះ ខ្ញុំនឹងទៅទិញស្មៅទន្សាយទុកឲ្យគាត់ស៊ី កុំឲ្យគាត់ពិបាកទៅរកស៊ីនៅខាងក្រៅទៀត!
ឧកញ៉ា ៖ ទេ! លោកជំទាវ…កុំ…កុំ…

ដកស្រង់ចេញពី http://trajoke.blogsome.com/


មីង​ក្រូត​ជាមនុស្ស​ដែល​ពូកែ​ខាង​ ជេរម្រាយ​រក​លេខ​ដាក់​គ្មាន ។ ជេរ​ប្តី​ក៏​អាចោរម្រាយ ជេរកូន​ក៏​អាចោរម្រាយ…ថ្ងៃណា​ក៏​អាចោរម្រាយ​ដែរ ។ថ្ងៃ​នេះ​ពេល​ មិត្តភ័ក្ដិ​ប្ដី​គាត់​មក​លេង មីងក្រូត​មិនដឹង​ជា​ទាស់​ចិត្ត​អ្វី ក៏​ស្រែក​ជេរប្ដី​ថា អាចោរម្រាយ ចំពោះ​មុខ​ភ្ញៀវ ប្ដី​គាត់​ខឹង​ណាស់ ក៏​ស្ទុះ​ទៅ​ដាក់​មួយ​ដៃ​ផូង ។ មីងក្រូត​អុកគូថ​ទៅ​ដី រួច​ស្រែក ៖


រួច ​ក៏​ដួល​សន្លប់ ។ មិត្តភ័ក្តិ និង​ប្ដី​ភ័យ​ណាស់​រត់​ទៅ​រក​ប្រេង​កូឡា ​លាប​រឹត ធ្វើ​ចលនា​ឲ្យ​បេះដូង​ដើរ​ស្រួល មួយ​សន្ទុះក្រោយ​មក​ មីងក្រូត បើក​ភ្នែក​ព្រឹមៗ…​រួច​គាត់​ស្ទុះ​ងើប ហើយ​ស្រែក៖



From http://trajoke.blogsome.com/

Phnom Penh Postal Codes

Phenum Penh City Tourist Map

General Post Office 12000
Russei keo 12100
Phnom Penh Tthmei 12101
Ttuk Tthlar 12102
Khmounh 12103
Russei Keo 12104
Ttoul Ssang Kè 12105
Kilometre 6 12106
Chrang Chamres 1 12107
Chrang Chamres 2 12108
Ssvay Pak 12109
Chroy Changva 12110
Prek Ttasek 12111
Prek Lleap 12112
Khan Toulkok 12150
Boengkâk 1 12151
Boengkâk 2 12152
Phsardépo 1 12153
Phsardépo 2 12154
Phsardépo 3 12155
Tuk Llaak 1 12156
Tuk Llaak 2 12157
Tuk Llaak 3 12158
Phsar Ddoeumkor 12159
Boengsalang 12160
Khan Daun Penh 12200
Ssraas Chak 12201
Wat Phnom 12202
Phsar Chas 12203
Phsar Kandal 1 12204
Phsar Kandal 2 12205
Chey Chumneas 12206
Chak Ttomuk 12207
Phsar Tthmei 1 12208
Phsar 2 12209
Phsar 3 12210
Boeng Raing 12211
Khan 7 Makara 12250
Monorom 12251
Mittapheap 12252
Veal Vong 12253
Orussei 1 12254
Orussei 2 12255
Orussei 3 12256
Orussei 4 12257
Boeng Prolit 12258
Khan Chamkarmorn 12300
Ttonle Basak 12301
Boengkengkang 1 12302
Boengkengkang 2 12303
Boengkengkang 3 12304
Boeng Ttrabek 12305
Ttumnup Ttuk 12306
Phsar Ddoeum Tthkov 12307
Ttoul Ssvay Prey 1 12308
Prey 2 12309
Ttum Poung 1 12310
Poung 2 12311
Olympic 12312
Meanchey 12350
Boeng Ttumpun 12351
Sstung Meanchey 12352
Chak Aangré Krom 12353
Chak Lleu 12354
Chbar Aampeou 1 12355
Chbar 2 12356
Niroth 12357
Prek Pra 12358
Dang Kor 12400
Dang Kor 12401
Ttrapeang Krasaing 12402
Kokroka 12403
Phleung Chhésrotés 12404
Chom Chao 12405
Kakap 12406
Porng Ttuk 12407
Prey Veng 12408
Ssamrong 12409
Prey Ssar 12410
Kraing Tthnoung 12411
Kraing Pongro 12412
Prataslang 12413
Ssac Ssampeou 12414
Cheung Ek 12415

ដកស្រង់ចេញពី http://yuljet.blogspot.com/2008/06/phnom-penh-postal-codes.html

វចនានុក្រម ខ្មែរ – អង់គ្លេស អង់គ្លេស – ខ្មែរ

អាន វចនានុក្រម ២០០៩ សាកល្បង

ចេញថ្ងៃទី៖ ០៤ មេសា ២០០៩

វចនានុក្រម អាន ២០០៩ បង្កើតដោយ developer និងសិស្សរបស់អាន ។ យើងទាំងអស់គ្នាជាជនជាតិខ្មែរ ។

ANT Dictioanry 2009


  • ខ្មែរ – អង់គ្លេស
  • អង់គ្លេស – ខ្មែរ
  • អង់គ្លេស – អង់គ្លេស
  • ពាក្យបច្ចេកទេសទូទៅ
  • តារាងរាយនាមប្រទេស
  • គណិតវិទ្យា និង ហិរញ្ញវត្ថុ

ដើម្បីប្រើចុចទីនេះ ស្វែងរកពាក្យ (បើកប្រើអនឡៃន៍)

វចនានុក្រម ខ្មែរ – អង់គ្លេស

  • មានរហូតដល់ ៥៣៦៦៤ ពាក្យ
  • ប្រើប្រាស់ ខ្មែរយូនីកូដ
  • ស្វែងរកពាក្យយ៉ាងលឿនដោយមិនចាំបាច់ប្តូរ keyboard
  • ស្វែងរកនិយមន័យយ៉ាងច្រើនក្នុងវចនានុក្រមផ្សេងទៀត
  • ពាក្យភាសាអង់គ្លេសទាំងអស់អាចបកប្រែបានយ៉ាងងាយដោយចុច ទៅវចនានុក្រមផ្សេងទៀតដូចជា
    • អង់គ្លេស – អង់គ្លេស
    • អង់គ្លេស – ខ្មែរ

វចនានុក្រមអង់គ្លេស – ខ្មែរ

  • មានរហូតដល់ ៤៧៥០១ ពាក្យ
  • ប្រើប្រាស់ ខ្មែរយូនីកូដ
  • ពាក្យទាំងអស់អាចអានជាសំលេងបាន
  • ស្វែងរកនិយមន័យយ៉ាងច្រើនក្នុងវចនានុក្រមផ្សេងទៀត
  • ពាក្យភាសាអង់គ្លេសទាំងអស់អាចបកប្រែបានយ៉ាងងាយដោយចុច ទៅវចនានុក្រមផ្សេងទៀតដូចជា
    • អង់គ្លេស – អង់គ្លេស
    • អង់គ្លេស – ខ្មែរ


  • មានរហូតដល់ ១៧៩៤៣០ ពាក្យ
  • ពាក្យទាំងអស់អាចអានជាសំលេងបាន
  • ស្វែងរកនិយមន័យយ៉ាងច្រើនក្នុងវចនានុក្រមផ្សេងទៀត
  • ពាក្យភាសាអង់គ្លេសទាំងអស់អាចបកប្រែបានយ៉ាងងាយដោយចុច ទៅវចនានុក្រមផ្សេងទៀតដូចជា
    • អង់គ្លេស – អង់គ្លេស
    • អង់គ្លេស – ខ្មែរ


  • មានរហូតដល់ ៥៧២២៦ ពាក្យ
  • ប្រើប្រាស់ ខ្មែរយូនីកូដ
  • ពាក្យទាំងអស់អាចអានជាសំលេងបាន
  • ស្វែងរកនិយមន័យយ៉ាងច្រើនក្នុងវចនានុក្រមផ្សេងទៀត
  • ពាក្យភាសាអង់គ្លេសទាំងអស់អាចបកប្រែបានយ៉ាងងាយដោយចុច ទៅវចនានុក្រមផ្សេងទៀតដូចជា
    • អង់គ្លេស – អង់គ្លេស
    • អង់គ្លេស – ខ្មែរ
  • ប្រភេទ
    • ពាក្យបច្ចេកទេសទូទៅ
    • ច្បាប់


  • រាយនាយប្រទេសជុំវិញពីភពលោក
  • រាយនាមពី A – Z


  • សមីការដីក្រេទី ២
  • សមីការដីក្រេទី ៣
  • សមីការដីក្រេទី ៤
  • ប្រភាគ
  • គណនាភាគរយ
  • ម៉ាទ្រីស


  • គណនាការេ
  • គណនាចតុកោណកែង
  • គណនារង្វង់
  • គណនាត្រីកោណ


  • គណនាប្រាក់សន្សំ
  • គណនាការប្រាក់ផ្គូប
  • គណនាការប្រាក់ធម្មតា
  • ទូទាត់ប្រាក់បៀវត្សន៍

Khmer Program, The KMPlayer in Khmer Language


ស្វាគមន៍​ប្រិយ​មិត្ត​ជា​ទី​មេត្រី ថ្ងៃ​នេះ​ខ្ញុំ​សូម​ណែនាំ​ឲ្យ​ប្រិយ​មិត្ត​ស្គាល់​អំពី​ថ្មី​មួយ​ដែល​មាន​ ឈ្មោះ​ថា កម្មវិធី​ចាក់​តន្ត្រី​ខ្មែរ ( KMP ) ប្រហែល​ជា​មាន​ប្រិយ​មិត្ត​មួយ​ចំនួន​ដែល​ធ្លាប់​គាំទ្រ​ទស្សនា​គេហទំព័រ​ របស់​ខ្ញុំ គឺ​ធ្លាប់​បាន​ស្គាល់​អំពី​កម្មវិធី​នេះ​កាល​ពី​កំណែ​ចាស់​ៗ​របស់​វា​ពី​មុន ​មក តែ​ឥឡូវ​នេះ​កម្ម​វិធី​នេះ​គឺ​បាន​កែប្រែ​នូវ​កំណែ​របស់​ខ្លួន​កាន់​តែ​ ប្រសើរ​ជា​ពេល​មុន គឺ​មាន​ន័យ​ថា​អាច​គាំទ្រ​ដំណើរ​ការ​ជា​កម្មវិធី​ខ្មែរ​យូនីកូដ​បាន​ប្រសើរ​ ជា​មុន​ៗ។ សម្រាប់​កម្មវិធី​នេះ​ផង​ដែរ​គឺ​មាន​ភាព​ងាយ​ស្រួល​ប្រើ មិន​ចាញ់​កម្មវិធី​ចាក់​តន្ត្រី​ដទៃ​ទៀត​ដូច​ជា MS Media player, Winnap…នោះ​ទេ ហើយ​កម្មវិធី​នេះ​ថែម​ទាំង​គាំទ្រ​ប្រភេទ​ឯកសារ​តន្ត្រី​ជា​ច្រើន​ដូច​ជា MP3, AVI, MPG, VOB…​ដោយ​ដំណើរ​ការ​កាន់​តែ​ប្រសើរ​ជា​កម្មវិធី​ផ្សេង​ៗ។ ក៏​ប៉ុន្តែ​សម្រាប់​កម្មវិធី​នេះ​ផង​ដែរ ខ្ញុំ​មិន​ទាន់​បាន​ធ្វើ​ការ​បញ្ចប់​ការ​បកប្រែ​ភាសា​ខ្មែរ​បាន​ទាំង​ស្រុង​ នូវ​ឡើយ​ទេ ប៉ុន្តែ​ខ្ញុំ​សន្យា​ថា​ប្រាកដ​ជា​នាំ​នូវ​កម្មវិធី​ដ៏​ល្អ​មួយ​នេះ មក​ដាក់​ឲ្យ​ប្រើ​ប្រាស់​ដោយ​សេរី​សម្រាប់​ប្រិយ​មិត្ត​ជា​មិន​ខាន បន្ទាប់​ពី​ខ្ញុំ​បញ្ចប់​ការ​ប្រលង​ថ្នាក់​ទី 12 របស់​ខ្ញុំ។ សូម​ធ្វើ​ការ​រង​ចាំ​រយះ​ពេល​ប៉ុន្មាន​ខែ​បន្ត​ទៀត​សិន ហើយ​ប្រសិន​បើ​ប្រិយ​មិត្ត​ចង់​បាន​កម្មវិធី​នេះ​យក​ទៅ​សាកល្បង សូម​ធ្វើ​ការ​តំណ​ភ្ជាប់​ទៅ​កាន់ ទាញ​យក Download! អរគុណ!​ចំពោះ​ការ​គាំទ្រ​គេហទំព័រ​របស់​ខ្ញុំ​មួយ​នេះ!

Angkor wat, The most well-know temple in Cambodia

Angkor Wat is located about 7 kilometers north of Siem Reap provincial town along Komai or Charles De Gaul Road. The temple was built in the early 12th century during the reign of King Suryavarman II2 (AD 1113-1150) is unrivaled in its beauty and state of preservation. It is an expression of Khmer art at its highest point of development.Some believed Angkor Wat was designed by Divakaraandita, the chief adviser and minister of the king, dedicating to Vishnu Brahmanism. The Khmers attribute the building of Angkor Wat to the divine architect Visvakarman. There has been considerable debate amongst scholars as to whether Angkor Wat was built as a temple or a tomb. Angkor Wat, according to Cœdés, is a replica of the universe in stone and represents an earthly model of the monument symbolizing the mythical Mount Meru, situated at the peaks of Meru, the outer wall to the mountains at the edge of the world, and the surrounding moat in the oceans beyond.

Originally, the temple was called Prasat Paramavishnuloka. However, the evolution of the name Angkor Wat can be drawn by history. The first proof existed in the 16th century, when the temple become a well-known Buddhist place. According to a 16th century inscription, its name was Preah Mohanokor Indrabrat Preah Visnuloka. In a 17th inscription , it was called Indrabratnokor Sreisodhara Vishnuloka3. Angkor Wat was a simple name to refer to this holy place. Khmer people, especially those living in and around Siem Reap, often refer to Angkor Toch. However, European authors decided on a common name, Angkor Wat. Nevertheless, its original name has not been forgotten and is known by many people.
Angkor Wat covers a rectangular area of about 200 hectares defined by a laterite rampart which is surrounded by a moat that is 200 meters wide. The perimeter of the rampart measures 5,5 kilometers. The moat is crossed by a huge causeway built of sandstone blocks 250 meters high. With its massive built by the gods rather than by man. The temple begins with a sandstone terrace in the shape of a across. Giant stone lions on each side of the terrace guard the monument. End of the causeways at the gopura4 with trees towers of varying heights, of which much of the upper sections have collapsed. A long, covered gallery with square columns and a vaulted roof extends along the moat to the left and right of the gopura.
The causeway leads to the cruciform gopura or entry towers. The gateways at ground level in each end of the gallery probably served as passages for elephants, horses, and carts, whereas the other entrances are accessed by step and lead onto the central promenade. From the entrance turn right and walk along the columned gallery to the end, where the quality of the carving and intricacy of decoration on the false door is of exceptional beauty.

To see more detail go to visit : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ankor_Wat

Khmer land that have lost in Thailand and Vietnam !

Cambodia in the ancent time was very big and contained a lot of provinces. But now? In the map we can see that Cambodia is very little country if we compare with Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. We have lost more than 120 000 Km2 in to Thailand and Vietnam.
This is the name list of the provinces that we have lost to Thailand (60 000 Km2)

  1. Nokor Reach จังหวัดนครราชสีมา
  2. Borey Rom จังหวัดบุรีรัมย์
  3. So Rin จังหวัดสุรินทร์
  4. Ton Borey จังหวัดธนบุรี
  5. Serey Saket ศรีสะเกษ
  6. Stung Crao จังหวัดสระแก้ว
  7. Chann Borey จังหวัดจันทบุรี
  8. Kok Khan ?
  9. Bachem Boreyจังหวัดปราจีนบุรี
  10. Trach จังหวัดตราด
  11. Sang Ket ?
  12. Ou Bun จังหวัดอุบลราชธานี

This is the name list of the provinces that we have lost to Vietnam (65 000 Km2)

  1. Phreah Tro Peang
  2. Srok Klang
  3. Mat Chrouck
  4. Kroe Moun Sor
  5. Pul Leav
  6. Tek Kmao
  7. Peam
  8. Prek Re Sey
  9. Roang Damrey
  10. Prey Norkor
  11. Toul Tamok
  12. Chang Va tro pang
  13. Srocatrey
  14. Mes
  15. Koh Korng
  16. Preah Sour Kear
  17. Psa Am Bes
  18. O Kab

And we also have lost two islands in to Vietnam su as

  1. Trol Island
  2. Trolach Island

ដកស្រង់ចេញពី http://thecambodia.blogspot.com/search/label/Khmer%20should%20Know

Mobile Phone networks in Cambodia

As the world technology going so quickly! In Cambodian people also use new technology especially mobile phone. These day there are network in Cambodia Such as

  • Cellcard 012, 017, 077, 089, 092
  • Smart Mobile 010,093,
  • Starcell 098
  • Excel 018
  • Cube [qb] 013, 083
  • Beeline 090
  • Metfone 097
  • Mfone 011,099,085
  • Hello 015, 016, 081

So now people have a lot of option to choose their mobile phone networks to use Because all of them always give a lot of benefit and the price are also competitive!

Why people walk with not stay arms?


កាល​ពី​លើក​មុន​ខ្ញុំ​បាន​សួរ​អ្នក​រាល់​គ្នា ​ម្ដង​ហើយ ថា​ហេតុ​អ្វី​បាន​ជា​យើង​យោល​ដៃ​នៅ​ពេល​ដើរ ហើយ​ខ្ញុំ​ក៏​ទទួល​បាន​ចម្លើយ​ផ្សេងៗ​ខុសៗ​គ្នា។ ឥឡូវ​នេះ​ខ្ញុំ​សូម​បក​ស្រាយ​ជូន​ដើម្បី​អស់​ចម្ងល់។ ហេតុ​អ្វី​បាន​ជា​ការ​យោល​ដៃ​ក្នុង​ពេល​ដើរ​ជា​ការ​ចាំ​បាច់។ តាម​ពិត​ទៅ ក្រែង​ការ​យោល​ដៃ​ត្រូវ​ប្រើ​ថាម​ពល​សាច់​ដុំ​​ស្មា អញ្ចឹង​តើ​វា​មាន​ប្រយោជន៍​អី?

កាល​ពី​មុន​ គេ​បាន​សន្និដ្ឋាន​ថា​ការ​យោល​ដៃ​របស់​មនុស្ស​គឺ​ដោយ​សារ​តែ​តំណ​វិវត្តន៍​មក ​ពី​សត្វ​ស្វា ដែល​ដើរ​ដោយ​ជើង​បួន ដូច្នេះ​ហើយ​បាន​ជា​បន្សល់​ទុក​នូវ​ចលនា​ដូច្នេះ។ ប៉ុន្តែ​ថ្មីៗ​នេះ អ្នក​វិទ្យាសាស្ត្រ​បាន​លើក​យក​ទ្រឹស្ដី​ថ្មី​មួយ​ទៀត​បដិសេធ​នឹង​ទ្រឹស្ដី​ មុន​នេះ។ តាម​ការ​ពិសោធ បាន​បង្ហាញ​ឲ្យ​ដឹង​ថា ការ​យោល​ដៃ​នេះ​គឺ​ជា​ការ​ល្អ មិន​មែន​ជា​ការ​ខ្ជះ​ខ្ជាយ​ថាម​ពល​នោះ​ទេ។ តាម​ពិត​ ការ​យោល​ដៃ​ក្នុង​ពេល​ដើរ​ត្រូវ​ការ​ថាម​ពល​តែ​បន្តិច​បន្តួច​ប៉ុណ្ណោះ​ពី​ សាច់​ដុំ​ស្មា តែ​ប្រសិន​បើ​យើង​ដើរ​ដោយ​ទប់​ដៃ​ (មិន​យោល​ដៃ) នោះ​កំរិត​មេតាបូលីស​នឹង​កើន​​ឡើង​ដល់​ ១២% បើ​ប្រៀប​ធៀប​នឹង​លំយោល​ដៃ។

មួយ​វិញ​ទៀត លំយោល​ដៃ​ទៅ​មក​នេះ​ក៏​ជួយ​រក្សា​លំនឹង​ចលនា​ដើរ​របស់​យើង​ដែរ ដោយ​ជួយ​កាត់​បន្ថយ​ដំណើរ​ចុះ​ឡើង​របស់​ខ្លួន​ប្រាណ​ (ដូច​ដំណើរ​សត្វ​ “ភេនឃ្វីន” ) ដែល​ជា​ថាម​ពល​ប្រើ​ប្រាស់​សម្រាប់​ជើង​ក្រោម។ ប្រសិន​បើ​ដើរ​ដោយ​ទប់​ដៃ​ជាប់ នោះ​ចលនា​នេះ​នឹង​កើន​ឡើង​រហូត​ដល់​ ៦៣% ឯ​ណោះ។

ក្នុង​ករណី​ដែល​យើង​ដើរ​ដោយ​យោល​ដៃ​ខុស​ពី​ធម្មតា ពោល​គឺ​យោល​ដៃ​ស្ដាំ​ស្រប​ពេល​ឈាន​ជើង​ស្ដាំ និង​យោល​ដៃ​ឆ្វេង​ស្រប​នឹង​ជំហាន​ឆ្វេង យើង​សង្កេត​ឃើញ​ថា​ថាម​ពល​សាច់​ដុំ​ស្មា​នឹង​ថយ​ចុះ។ ប៉ុន្តែ​ផល​លំបាក​នោះ​គឺ​ថា កំរិត​មេតាបូលី​នឹង​កើត​ឡើង​មួយ​ភាគ​បួន។

ដូច្នេះ​ការ​យោល​ដៃ​គឺ​ជា​កត្តា​ធម្មជាតិ​មួយ​ល្អ​ណាស់​របស់​មនុស្ស។ វា​ប្រៀប​ដូច​ជា​ជួយ​សេដកិច្ឋ​ខ្លួន​ប្រាណ​យើង​អញ្ចឹង។

Pol Pot’s Beautiful Daughter Finished!

ដកស្រង់ចេញពី http://kienforcefidele.wordpress.com/
កូនស្រីដ៏ស្រស់ស្អាតរបស់ពល ពត
This book is about ghost. Written in Khmer Language. Do you know about Pol Pot? This is talk about the ghost of daughter of Pol Pot too because I just download it from http://kienforcefidele.wordpress.com/ and not yet finish reading it. But I think it is very interesting. Thank you for Fidele the owner of http://kienforcefidele.wordpress.com/ I’m not sure yet that what is it about. Do you want to know about it?

Do you want it?
The book about ghost!!! Khmer ghost!!!! After Pol Pot regime!!!
Okey download it here

FREE TUM TEAV book written in English

What `s new today? Yea! It is! Now may be all of you used to hear about TUM TEAV. TUM TEAV is a love novel of Cambodia which are very interesting and show about the Khmer culture in the ancient time.
Now I am very pleased to tell all you guys that I have found an E-Book of TUM TEAV in English is a Khmer boy `s blog name Fedele. I want to say thank to him very much.

I don’t want to describe more about it, but I want you to download it by yourself and try to understand everything in this story. But remember not to drop your tear….or……!!!!! TUM is a monk TEAV is a beautiful girl how can they love each other….? How about the future of them…….?

File name : tum-teav-in-english.pdf

File zise : 0.2 Mb


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“Glasses” can also be the plural of “glass“.
“Spectacles” redirects here. For other uses, see Spectacle (disambiguation).

A modern pair of prescription glasses with a half rim design.

French Empire gilt scissors glasses c.1805

Glasses (also called eyeglasses or spectacles) are frames bearing lenses worn in front of the eyes, normally for vision correction, eye protection, or for protection from UV rays.

Modern glasses are typically supported by pads on the bridge of the nose and by temples placed over the ears. Historical types include the pince-nez, monocle, lorgnette, and scissors-glasses.

Eyeglass lenses are commonly made from plastic, including CR-39 and polycarbonate. These materials reduce the danger of breakage and weigh less than glass lenses. Some plastics also have more advantageous optical properties than glass, such as better transmission of visible light and greater absorption of ultraviolet light.[1] Some plastics have a greater index of refraction than most types of glass; this is useful in the making of corrective lenses shaped to correct various vision abnormalities such as myopia, allowing thinner lenses for a given prescription. Newer plastic lenses, called izon, can also correct for the higher order aberrations that naturally occur in the surface of our eye.[citation needed] These lenses create sharper vision for the people who have problems with sight and help with the halos, starbursts, and comet-tails often associated with night time driving glare.[citation needed] Wavefront guided LASIK surgery also corrects for the higher order aberrations.

Scratch-resistant coatings can be applied to most plastic lenses giving them similar scratch resistance to glass. Hydrophobic coatings designed to ease cleaning are also available, as are anti-reflective coatings intended to reduce glare, improve night vision and make the wearer’s eyes more visible.[2]

CR-39 lenses are the most common plastic lenses due to their low weight, high scratch resistance, and low transparency for ultra violet and infrared radiation. Polycarbonate and Trivex lenses are the lightest and most shatter-resistant, making them the best for impact protection,[1] though polycarbonate offers poor optics due to high dispersion, having a low Abbe number of 31.

Not all glasses are designed solely for vision correction but are worn for protection, viewing visual information (such as stereoscopy) or simply just for aesthetic or fashion values. Safety glasses are a kind of eye protection against flying debris or against visible and near visible light or radiation. Sunglasses allow better vision in bright daylight, and may protect against damage from high levels of ultraviolet light.

History of eyeglasses


Detail of a portrait of Hugh de Provence, painted by Tomaso da Modena in 1352

The earliest historical reference to magnification dates back to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs in the 8th century BC, which depict “simple glass meniscal lenses“. The earliest written record of magnification dates back to the 1st century AD, when Seneca the Younger, a tutor of Emperor Nero, wrote: “Letters, however small and indistinct, are seen enlarged and more clearly through a globe or glass filled with water”.[3] Emperor Nero is also said to have watched the gladiatorial games using an emerald as a corrective lens.[4]

Corrective lenses were said to be used by Abbas Ibn Firnas in the 9th century,[5] who had devised a way to produce very clear glass. These glasses could be shaped and polished into round rocks used for viewing and were known as reading stones. The earliest evidence of “a magnifying device, a convex lens forming a magnified image,” dates back the Book of Optics published by Alhazen in 1021. Its translation into Latin in the 12th century was instrumental to the invention of eyeglasses in 13th century Italy.[3]

Sunglasses, in the form of flat panes of smoky quartz, protected the eyes from glare and were used in China in the 12th century or possibly earlier. However, they did not offer any corrective benefits.[6]

Invention of eyeglasses

The ‘Glasses Apostle’ by Conrad von Soest (1403)

Around 1284 in Italy, Salvino D’Armate is credited with inventing the first wearable eye glasses.[7] The earliest pictorial evidence for the use of eyeglasses, however, is Tomaso da Modena’s 1352 portrait of the cardinal Hugh de Provence reading in a scriptorium. Another early example would be a depiction of eyeglasses found north of the Alpes in an altarpiece of the church of Bad Wildungen, Germany, in 1403.

Many theories abound for who should be credited for the invention of traditional eyeglasses. In 1676, Francesco Redi, a professor of medicine at the University of Pisa, wrote that he possessed a 1289 manuscript whose author complains that he would be unable to read or write were it not for the recent invention of glasses. He also produced a record of a sermon given in 1305, in which the speaker, a Dominican monk named Fra Giordano da Rivalto, remarked that glasses had been invented less than twenty years previously, and that he had met the inventor. Based on this evidence, Redi credited another Dominican monk, Fra Alessandro da Spina of Pisa, with the re-invention of glasses after their original inventor kept them a secret, a claim contained in da Spina’s obituary record.[8]

Seated apostle holding lenses in position for reading. Detail from Death of the Virgin, by the Master of Heiligenkreuz, ca. 1400-30 (Getty Center).

Other stories, possibly legendary, credit Roger Bacon with the invention. Bacon is known to have made one of the first recorded references to the magnifying properties of lenses in 1262,[9] though this was predated by Alhazen‘s Book of Optics in 1021.[3] Bacon’s treatise De iride (“On the Rainbow”), which was written while he was a student of Robert Grosseteste, no later than 1235, mentions using optics to “read the smallest letters at incredible distances”. While the exact date and inventor may be forever disputed, it is almost certain that spectacles were invented between 1280 and 1300 in Italy. These early spectacles had convex lenses that could correct both hyperopia (farsightedness), and the presbyopia that commonly develops as a symptom of aging. Nicholas of Cusa is believed to have discovered the benefits of concave lens in the treatment of myopia (nearsightedness). However, it was not until 1604 that Johannes Kepler published in his treatise on optics and astronomy, the first correct explanation as to why convex and concave lenses could correct presbyopia and myopia.

Later developments

A portrait of Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas, 1580–1645

The American scientist Benjamin Franklin, who suffered from both myopia and presbyopia, invented bifocals in 1784 to avoid having to regularly switch between two pairs of glasses.[10] The first lenses for correcting astigmatism were constructed by the British astronomer George Airy in 1825.[10]

Over time, the construction of spectacle frames also evolved. Early eyepieces were designed to be either held in place by hand or by exerting pressure on the nose (pince-nez). Girolamo Savonarola suggested that eyepieces could be held in place by a ribbon passed over the wearer’s head, this in turn secured by the weight of a hat. The modern style of glasses, held by temples passing over the ears, was developed in 1727 by the British optician Edward Scarlett. These designs were not immediately successful, however, and various styles with attached handles such as “scissors-glasses” and lorgnettes remained fashionable throughout the 18th and into the early 19th century.

In the early 20th century, Moritz von Rohr at Zeiss (with the assistance of H. Boegehold and A. Sonnefeld[11]), developed the Zeiss Punktal spherical point-focus lenses that dominated the eyeglass lens field for many years.

Despite the increasing popularity of contact lenses and laser corrective eye surgery, glasses remain very common, as their technology has improved. For instance, it is now possible to purchase frames made of special memory metal alloys that return to their correct shape after being bent. Other frames have spring-loaded hinges. Either of these designs offers dramatically better ability to withstand the stresses of daily wear and the occasional accident. Modern frames are also often made from strong, light-weight materials such as titanium alloys, which were not available in earlier times.

Modern Developments in the UK In 1958 The General Optical Council was created by Parliament in 1958 through the Opticians Act.

Before the Opticians Act, optometry and dispensing optics were not regulated professions. It was not until after the introduction of the National Health Service in 1948 that the then Health Minister and the Secretary of State for Scotland set up a Committee to determine whether a regulatory body should be created.

Some of the major high street opticians nowadays are Dollond & Aitchison, Boots Group, Specsavers & Vision Express. In 2005 Prescription glasses were sold online for the first time thus giving people the chance to bypass high street opticians and buy their glasses directly from the manufacturer, usually paying far less. Major firms in the online glasses industry today are Next Vision, Glasses Direct, Specsavers and Select Specs.



Seattle skyline as seen through a corrective lens, showing the effect of refraction.

Corrective lenses are used to correct refractive errors of the eye by modifying the effective focal length of the lens in order to alleviate the effects of conditions such as; nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia) or astigmatism. Another common condition in older patients is presbyopia which is caused by the eye’s crystalline lens losing elasticity, progressively reducing the ability of the lens to accommodate (i.e. to focus on objects close to the eye).

The power of a lens is generally measured in diopters. Over-the-counter reading glasses are typically rated at +1.00 to +3.25 diopters. Glasses correcting for myopia will have negative diopter strengths. Prescription lenses, made to conform to the prescription of an ophthalmologist or optometrist, are used to make prescription glasses, which are then verified correct using a professional lensmeter.

Pinhole glasses are a type of corrective glasses which do not use a conventional lens and are claimed to help correct the eye’s refractive error without introducing the image distortion of traditional lens-based glasses.


See also: Eye protection

Safety glasses are usually made with shatter-resistant plastic lenses to protect the eye from flying debris. Although safety lenses may be constructed from a variety of materials of various impact resistance, certain standards suggest that they maintain a minimum 1 millimeter thickness at the thinnest point, regardless of material. Safety glasses can vary in the level of protection they provide. For example, those used in medicine may be expected to protect against blood splatter while safety glasses in a factory might have stronger lenses and a stronger frame with additional shields at the temples. The lenses of safety glasses can also be shaped for correction.

Safety glasses with side shields

The American National Standards Institute has established standard ANSI Z87.1 for safety glasses in the United States, and similar standards have been established elsewhere.

OSHA provides guidance on the type of safety eyewear that should be used for a particular application.

Some safety glasses are designed to fit over corrective glasses or sunglasses. They may provide less eye protection than goggles or other forms of eye protection, but their light weight increases the likelihood that they will actually be used. Modern safety glasses tend to be given a more stylish design in order to encourage their use. Corrective glasses with plastic lenses can be used in the place of safety glasses in many environments; this is one advantage that they have over contact lenses.

There are also safety glasses for welding, which are styled like wraparound sunglasses, but with much darker lenses, for use in welding where a full sized welding helmet is inconvenient or uncomfortable. These are often called “flash goggles”, because they provide protection from welding flash.

Worker safety eyewear is available in various lens colors and/or with coatings to protect or enable eyesight in different lighting conditions, particularly when outdoors.

Nylon frames are usually used for protection eyewear for sports because of their lightweight and flexible properties. They are able to bend slightly and return to their original shape instead of breaking when pressure is applied to them. Nylon frames can become very brittle with age and they can be difficult to adjust.


Main article: Sunglasses

Sunglasses may be made with either prescription or non-prescription lenses that are darkened to provide protection against bright visible light and, possibly, ultraviolet (UV) light. Photochromic lenses, which are photosensitive, darken when struck by UV light.

Light polarization is an added feature that can be applied to sunglass lenses. Polarization filters remove horizontally polarized rays of light, which can cause glare. Polarized sunglasses allow wearers to see into water when normally glare or reflected light would be seen. Polarized sunglasses may present some difficulties for pilots since reflections from water and other structures often used to gauge altitude may be removed, or instrument readings on liquid crystal displays may be blocked.

Yellow lenses increase color contrast and improve depth perception. Brown lenses are common among golfers, but cause color distortion.[citation needed] Blue, purple, and green lenses offer no real benefits to vision enhancement, and are mainly cosmetic.[citation needed] Some sunglasses with interchangeable lenses have optional clear lenses to protect the eyes during low light or night time activities and a colored lens with UV protection for times where sun protection is needed.

Sunglasses are often worn just for aesthetic purposes, or simply to hide the eyes. Examples of sunglasses that were popular for these reasons include teashades and mirrorshades.

3D glasses

The illusion of three dimensions on a two dimensional surface can be created by providing each eye with different visual information. Classic 3D glasses create the illusion of three dimensions when viewing specially prepared images. The classic 3D glasses have one red lens and one blue or cyan lens. 3D glasses made of cardboard and plastic are distributed at 3D movies. Another kind of 3D glasses uses polarized filters, with one lens polarized vertically and the other horizontally, with the two images required for stereo vision polarized the same way. Polarized 3D glasses allow for color 3D, while the red-blue lenses produce a dull black-and-white picture with red and blue fringes.

One kind of electronic 3D spectacles uses electronic shutters, while virtual reality glasses and helmets have separate video screens for each eye. A 3D effect can also be produced using LCD shutter glasses.[12]

Reading glasses

Magnifying lenses or generic spectacles that are used to treat mild presbyopia and hyperopia can be bought off the shelf. The use of individual prescriptions as determined by a qualified optician results in better optical performance of reading glasses.

Bifocals, trifocals and progressive lenses

As people age, their ability to focus is lessened and many decide to use multiple-focus lenses, bifocal or even trifocal to cover all the situations in which they use their sight. Traditional multifocal lenses have two or three distinct horizontal viewing areas, each requiring a conscious effort of refocusing. Some modern multifocal lenses, such as progressive lenses (known as “no-line bifocals”), give a smooth transition between these different focal points, unnoticeable by most wearers, while other glasses have lenses specifically intended for use with computer monitors at a fixed distance. People may have several pairs of glasses, one for each task or distance, with specific glasses for reading, computer use, television watching, and writing.

Extreme magnification (bioptics)

A form of glasses with extreme magnification to improve the distance vision of those with severe eyesight impairment, especially people with albinism, are known as bioptics or a bioptic telescope. They may take the form of self-contained glasses that resemble goggles or binoculars, or may be attached to existing glasses.


United States senator Barry Goldwater in horn-rimmed glasses.

Glasses can be a major part of personal image and expression, from Groucho Marx and Buddy Holly to the extravagance of Elton John and Dame Edna Everage.

For some celebrities, glasses form part of their identity. United States Senator Barry Goldwater continued to wear lensless horn-rimmed glasses after being fitted with contact lenses because he was not recognizable without his trademark glasses. British soap star Anne Kirkbride had the same problem: her character on Coronation Street, Deirdre Barlow, became so well-known for her big frames that she was expected to wear them at social gatherings and in international tours, even though Kirkbride has always worn contact lenses. Comedian Drew Carey continued to wear glasses for the same reason after getting corrective laser eye surgery. British comedic actor Eric Sykes, who became profoundly deaf as an adult, wears glasses that contain no lenses; they are actually a bone-conducting hearing aid. Masaharu Morimoto wears glasses to separate his professional persona as a chef from his stage persona as Iron Chef Japanese. John Lennon wore his round-lens ‘Windsor’ spectacles from some of his time with the Beatles to his murder in 1980. The rock band Weezer is known for some of the members wearing thick-rimmed glasses.

Browline glasses were the standard for men in the 1950s and 1960s.

In popular culture, glasses were all the disguise Superman and Wonder Woman needed to hide in plain view as alter egos Clark Kent and Diana Prince, respectively. An example of halo effect is seen in the stereotype that those who wear glasses are intelligent or, especially in teen culture, even geeks and nerds. Some people who find that wearing glasses may look ‘nerdy’ turn to contact lenses or laser eye surgery, especially under peer pressure.

Another unpopular aspect of glasses is their inconvenience. Even through the creation of light frames, such as those made of titanium, very flexible frames, and new lens materials and optical coatings, glasses can still cause problems during rigorous sports. The lenses can become greasy or trap vapour when eating hot food, swimming, walking in rain or rapid temperature changes (such as walking into a warm building from cold temperatures outside), reducing visibility significantly. Scraping, fracturing, or breakage of the lenses require time-consuming and costly professional repair, though modern plastic lenses are almost indestructible and very scratch-resistant.

Rimless style

Three-piece rimless and semi-rimless glasses are common variations that differ from regular glasses in that their frames do not completely encircle the lenses. Three-piece rimless glasses have no frame around the lenses, and the bridge and temples are mounted directly onto the lenses. Semi-rimless (or half-rimless) glasses have a frame that only partially encircles the lenses (commonly the top portion). When the style was first introduced in the 1930s, lenses were screwed directly to the front of the frame; most modern variations feature the lenses held inside of the frame by high strength nylon wire,[13] although the semi-rimless style has been around since at least the 1940s. A rare and currently noncommercial variation are rimless and frameless glasses attached to a piercing at the bridge of a wearers nose.[14] Such glasses have the visual look of the pince-nez.


Spectacle lenses are edged into the frame’s rim using glazing machines operated by ophthalmic technicians. The edging process begins with a trace being taken of the frame’s eye shape. In earlier days the trace was replicated onto a plastic pattern called a former. Nowadays the process is patternless and the shape is sent to the edger electronically.

The lens, in the form of a round uncut,[clarification needed] is positioned in the correct manner to match the prescription and a block is stuck to the lens and that block fits into a chuck in the edging machine. A diamond-coated wheel spins as the edger replicates the frame’s eye-shape to the uncut lens. A V-shaped bevel is applied to allow the edge of the lens to fit into the frame rim.