Good teeth add extra charm to ones personality. They also help in digestion of food. Diet plays an important role in maintaining health of the teeth. The condition of teeth also depends on what we eat. One can loss his/her teeth due to tooth-decay. Loss of teeth due to Tooth decay in a person is caused by faulty diet. Like intake of soft drinks,pastries, cakes, refined carbohydrates and proteins, insufficient consumption of vitamins and minerals contribute to tooth decay.
Bacteria usually grows when the food particles remains in the mouth for long time. These food particles produce a local acid reaction which in retum attacks the surface of the tooth. All sweets, refined foods and products made from white flour and white sugar should be avoided as these are known as fibreless refined foods which help the particles to accumulate in the teeth,
Dietary Treatment
The use of onion is considered as beneficial in the prevention of tooth-decay. Meanwhile whole foods have also been found good for the teeth. Intake of sesame seeds is also recommended as they are rich in calcium.
Various random studies suggest that tooth-decay can be prevented by regular consumption of apples as they help in cleansing the mouth properly. According to Dr. 1.T. Hanks, Apples contain mouth-cleansing properties which no other fruit tender.
Lemon and lime also helps in promoting healthy teeth and gums as they are the rich source of Vitamin C. They strengthen the gums and helps in curing acute inflammation of the gum.
Tooth-decay can also be treated by removing decayed regions of the tooth and filling the cavities. Proper cleaning of tooth is most important step towards sparkling teeth.
In short here is what should be done to prevent tooth decay:-
• Clean the plaque of the teeth frequently in a day
• Brush your teeth properly
• Avoid sweets, refined foods, tea, coffee, flesh foods, pickles and frequent snacks
- Upon rising take a glass of lukewarm water with half a freshly squeezed lime with honey.
• Rely on freshly prepared steamed vegetables, whole wheat bread etc.
• Remove of decayed regions of the tooth and filing the cavities.